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Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project Materials
Recent Articles
Suggestions from Project Associates
Must-read Books
Especially for Animal Caregivers
Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project Materials:
Compassion Satisfaction: 50 Steps To Healthy Caregiving by Patricia Smith.
Also available on Kindle!
To Weep for a Stranger: Compassion Fatigue in Caregiving by Patricia Smith.
Also available on Kindle!
Compassion Fatigue Training Workbooks now available!
Check out a preview of the Presenters Guide or the Student Guide before you purchase!
Healthy Caregiving: A Guide to Recognizing and Managing Compassion Fatigue; Student Guide, Level 1. by Patricia Smith, 2009.
Healthy Caregiving: A Guide to Recognizing and Managing Compassion Fatigue; Presenters Guide, Level 1. by Patricia Smith, 2009.
Healthy Caregiving: A Guide To Recognizing And Managing Compassion Fatigue Workshop Presentation
To purchase the presentation, please visit:
The Caregiver's Bill of Rights!
James Madison had his Bill of Rights in 1789. Finally, over 200 years later, caregivers across America have theirs! They may not be law, but they will certainly help you with your continuing journey towards resiliency and compassion satisfaction.
Download the PDF here!
The Ten Laws...
The following are 'Ten Laws' to help you create a healthier workplace for yourself, provide healthier care for others, promote healthier change in your life, and practice better self-care. Print them out and put them up where others can see. Make sure people are aware you are dedicated to positive change in your life by following these simple rules...
The Ten Laws Governing Healthy Caregiving
The Ten Laws Governing a Healthy Workplace
The Ten Laws Governing Healthy Change
The Ten Laws Governing Authentic, Sustainable Self Care
CFAP Statement on Workplace Violence:
Recent workplace violence highlights the need for employers to do everything possible to protect their employees. This is particularly important in caregiving environments in all of the helping professions due to the emotional and often intense interactions caregivers experience on a daily basis.
The Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project has compiled a “Zero Tolerance” workplace violence template for concerned caregiving organizations to post within plain view of staff, visitors, consultants and anyone else who enters the premises. We urge you to use this template as is, or edit it to mirror the language of your distinct corporate culture.
For further information and materials on workplace violence, go to the United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) website at www.osha.gov.
30 Big Trends in the Field of Nursing in 2015, by Nursing School Hub, 2015
Caregiver Stress: Remembering to Take Care of Yourself, by Fawne Hansen, 2014.
Compassion Fatigue and the Female Caregiver, by Patricia Smith. Burdens Do A Body Good, November 16th, 2011.
Note to Self: Let It Go, by Patricia Smith. Spry Living, September 1st, 2010.
Doctor and Patient: Offering Care for the Caregiver, by Pauline W. Chen M.D. New York Times, January 22nd, 2010.
Compassion Fatigue: When Caring Hurts Too Much, by Rick Asa. Academy of General Dentistry Impact, December 2009.
Recognizing and Managing Compassion Fatigue: A Path to Wellness, by Patricia Smith. Families of Loved Ones, Summer 2009.
Financial Advisors Face a Crisis of Confidence, by Dan Jamieson. Investment News, May 17th, 2009
Courage and Caring: Step Up to Your Next Level of Nursing Excellence, by Sandra Ford Walston. www.sandrawalston.com.
Moral and Ethical Distress a Heavy Burden for Nurses, by Melissa Wirkus. NurseConnect.com, 2009.
Compassion Fatigue: How Much Can I Give? by Peter Huggard MPH, MEd. Medical Education, 37(pp163-164). 2003.
When the Caring Gets Tough; Compassion Fatigue and Veterinary Care, by Peter and Jayne Huggard. VetScript, May. 2008.
Taking Flight: Wounded Warriors who fought for freedom find it anew underwater, by Renee Duncan. Alert Diver, September/October, 2008.
Utah medical unit departs to care for Iraqi detainees, by Matthew D. LaPlante. Salt Lake City Tribune, September 17th, 2008.
Suggestions from Project Associates:
Dare to Care: Caring for our Elders, by Cheryl Carmichael. 2011
Transforming Compassion Fatigue Into Compassion Satisfaction: Top 12 Self-Care Tips for Helpers, by Françoise Mathieu, M.Ed., CCC., Compassion Fatigue Specialist. Rehab and Community Care Medicine, Spring 2007.
Running On Empty: Compassion Fatigue in Health Professionals, by Françoise Mathieu, M.Ed., CCC., Compassion Fatigue Specialist. 2007
Low Impact Disclosure: How to Stop Sliming Each Other, by Françoise Mathieu, M.Ed., CCC., Compassion Fatigue Specialist. 2008..
Dark Water: Stress After Trauma, by Opal Rose, 2007.
A highly-personalized account of the journey from post-traumatic stress to healing.
The Art and Science of Caring for Others without Forgetting Self-Care, by Charles R. Figley, 2007.
Understanding and Preventing Compassion Fatigue; A Handout for Professionals, by Dr. Angelea Panos, 2007.
Must-read books for all caregivers:
Campbell, Joseph; The Hero's Jouney
Chapman, Erie; Radical Loving Care: Building the Healing Hospital in America
Collinge, William, MD; Partners in Healing: Simple Ways to Offer Support, Comfort and Care to a Loved One Facing Illness
Figley, Charles; Compassion Fatigue: Coping with
Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder in Those Who Treat the Traumatized
Frankl, Viktor E.; Man’s Search for Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy
Hilfiker, D.; Healing the Wounds: A Physician Looks at His Work
Hopkins, Jeffrey; Cultivating Compassion: A Buddhist
Housden, Roger; Ten Poems to Change Your Life
Kabat-Zinn, J; Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness
Meditation in Everyday Life
Lehrer, Jonah; How We Decide
Mandel, Debra, Ph.D.; Healing the Sensitive Heart: How to stop getting hurt, build your inner strength, and find the Love you deserve
Morrissette, Patrick J.; The Pain of Helping: Psychological Injury of Helping Professions
Myss, Caroline; Anatomy of
the Spirit: The Seven Steps of Power and Healing
Myss, Caroline; Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your
Divine Potential
Myss, Caroline, C. Norman M.D. Shealy; The Creation of Health: The
Emotional, Psychological, and Spiritual Responses that Promote Health and Healing
Pearson, Carol; The Hero Within: Six Archetypes
We Live By
Rosenberg, Marshall B.; Non-Violent Communication:
A Language of Compassion
Saakvitne, Karen W. and Laurie Anne Pearlmanl Transforming The Pain: A Workbook on Vicarious Traumatization
Schweitzer, Dr. Albert; Out of My Life and Thought
Simon, David, M.D.; Free to Love, Free to Heal: Heal Your Body by Healing Your Emotions
Taylor-Brown, Barbara; Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith
Trevino, Haven; The Tao of Healing: Meditation for
Body and Spirit
Walston, Sandra Ford; Courage: The Heart and Spirit
of Every Woman
Especially for Animal Caregivers:
Andrews, Ted; Animal-Speak: The Spiritual and Magical
Powers of Creatures Great and Small
Figley, Dr. Charles and Robert Roop; Compassion Fatigue in the Animal-Care Community
Harbolt, Tami L.; Bridging the Bond: The Cultural Construction of the Shelter Pet
Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff; When Elephants Weep:
The Emotional Life of Animals
Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff; Dogs Never Lie About
Schoen, Allen D.V.M.; Kindred Spirits: How the Remarkable Bond Between Humans and Animals Can Change the Way We Live
Sichel, Elaine; Circles of Compassion
Von Kreisler, Kristin; The Compassion of Animals
The CFAP Newsroom features articles and interviews written by Founder Patricia Smith or reference CFAP's ongoing mission to raise awareness and promote authentic, sustainable self care...
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With more than 20 years of training experience, CFAP Founder Patricia Smith writes, speaks and facilitates workshops in service of those who care for others.
If you're interested in having Patricia address your organization or group, click here!

CFAP Founder Patricia Smith's newest book guides readers through 50 steps to Compassion Satisfaction.
Pick up a copy here!