WORT Community Radio: March 2015
'Her Turn'
Wisconsin Public Radio: March 2015
'Compassion fatigue can affect
Dallas Morning News: March 2015
'Compassion Fatigue' can easily hurt
caregiver's health, and more
Caregiver Exchange: November 2013
Compassion fatigue and its effects on caregivers
Touching Lives Magazine:
October 2013
Go ahead...Give Yourself a Break
Spry Living: April 23rd, 2013
How 'Continued Coverage' can
do long-term damage
OHS Canada: November 2012
Lingering Shadows
Long-Term Living: May 29th, 2012
Alleviating Compassion Fatigue before
it drags down productivity
The Daily Mail UK: March 23rd, 2012
Husband, 98, nursed wife with Alzheimer’s for 18 hours a day for two years up until the moment she died
ABC News: March 22nd, 2012
Compassion Fatigue Strikes Family,
Even Animal Caregivers
David Porter: January 15th, 2012
Charity and Compassion Fatigue is Wearing Down Fundraising
American Bar Association: January 2012
What is Compassion Fatigue?
Spry Living: December 2011
The Top 4 Caregiving Misconceptions
Burdens do a Body Good:
November 16th, 2011
Compassion Fatigue and the Female Caregiver
Spry Living: November 2011
Caregiving Expert Patricia Smith Q&A
The Wagging Tail: September 15th, 2011
Creating the Healthy Workplace
5 Minutes for Special September 13th, 2011
Overcoming Compassion Fatigue in Your Family
BellaDOG Magazine: September 2011
Compassion Fatigue: Emotional Burnout in the Animal Care Field
Spry Living: August 2011
Caregiving Expert Patricia Smith Q&A
Health Progress: July-August 2011
Burnout and Compassion Fatigue: Watch for the Signs
Spry Living: June 2011
Caregiving Expert Patricia Smith Q&A
Spry Living: April 2011
Caregiving Expert Patricia Smith Q&A
DentistryIQ: March 30th, 2011
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Spry Living: February 2011
Note to Self: Let it Go
NurseConnect: January 2011
Expert Tips to Combat Compassion Fatigue
Behavioral HealthCare Journal: January 2011
Podcast interview with Patricia Smith
Spry Living: January 2011
Caregiving Expert Patricia Smith Q&A
Oncology Nurse Advisor: October 2010
Compassion Fatigue in Oncology Nursing: A Witness to Suffering
Medical Reserve Corps: Summer 2010
Compassion Fatigue
Veterinary Practice News:
April 1, 2010
Leaving Burnout Behind (AKA Compassion Fatigue Follows)
The Solution Source: Spring 2010
Compassion: Opportunities and Challenges
Academy of General Dentistry Impact: December 2009
Compassion Fatigue: When Caring Hurts Too Much
Private Wealth: December 2009
Compassion Fatigue
KindEthics: August 3rd, 2009
BlogTalkRadio interview with Patricia Smith
Families of Loved Ones: Summer 2009
Recognizing and Managing Compassion Fatigue:
A Path to Wellness
The CFAP Newsroom features articles and interviews written by Founder Patricia Smith or reference CFAP's ongoing mission to raise awareness and promote authentic, sustainable self care...
Read all about it here!
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With more than 20 years of training experience, CFAP Founder Patricia Smith writes, speaks and facilitates workshops in service of those who care for others.
If you're interested in having Patricia address your organization or group, click here!
For every $1,000 we receive in donations, we are donating 50 sets of Patricia Smith's books to organizations across the nation that are in need of this vital first step toward authentic, sustainable self-care.
Join the Challenge here!

CFAP Founder Patricia Smith's newest book guides readers through 50 steps to Compassion Satisfaction.
Pick up a copy here!