The Path to Wellness
Once you realize that you are a candidate for compassion fatigue, or are already suffering its effects, exploring this new awareness can lead to insights concerning past traumas, pain, and defeating behaviors. A common and understandable coping mechanism in care giving is to simply stuff the overwhelming emotions that surface repeatedly in your work. How else can you keep going? Eventually, those emotions refuse to be ignored. All too often, psychological and physical crisis occurs.
With support, insightful information, and authentic self-care, you can begin to understand the complexity of the emotions you've been juggling and, most likely, suppressing. Most people never take the time to understand how their jobs affect them emotionally. Give yourself credit for moving forward and affecting change. Your hard work will pay off.
Authentic and Sustainable Self Care Begins With You:
Be kind to yourself.
Enhance your awareness with education.
Accept where you are on your path at all times.
Understand that those close to you may not be there when you need them most.
Exchange information and feelings with people who can validate you.
Listen to others who are suffering.
Clarify your personal boundaries. What works for you; what doesn't.
Express your needs verbally.
Take positive action to change your environment.
The CFAP Newsroom features articles and interviews written by Founder Patricia Smith or reference CFAP's ongoing mission to raise awareness and promote authentic, sustainable self care...
Read all about it here!
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With more than 20 years of training experience, CFAP Founder Patricia Smith writes, speaks and facilitates workshops in service of those who care for others.
If you're interested in having Patricia address your organization or group, click here!

CFAP Founder Patricia Smith's newest book guides readers through 50 steps to Compassion Satisfaction.
Pick up a copy here!