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The material found in this website may be freely copied and posted as long as (a) Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project © is credited with its logo intact, (b) no text changes are made, and (c) they are not sold or in any way presented where people are charged for the materials. For the opportunity to co-brand with the Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project© as deemed appropriate to your organization or business, please contact:
Disclaimer: These materials and resources are presented for educational purposes only. They are not a substitute for informed medical advice or training. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified health or mental health care provider. If you have concerns, contact your health care provider, mental health professional, or your community health center
The CFAP logo and all materials on this website are the property of Healthy Caregiving, LLC., 2010©
The CFAP Newsroom features articles and interviews written by Founder Patricia Smith or reference CFAP's ongoing mission to raise awareness and promote authentic, sustainable self care...
Read all about it here!
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With more than 20 years of training experience, CFAP Founder Patricia Smith writes, speaks and facilitates workshops in service of those who care for others.
If you're interested in having Patricia address your organization or group, click here!
For every $1,000 we receive in donations, we are donating 50 sets of Patricia Smith's books to organizations across the nation that are in need of this vital first step toward authentic, sustainable self-care.
Join the Challenge here!

CFAP Founder Patricia Smith's newest book guides readers through 50 steps to Compassion Satisfaction.
Pick up a copy here!