Life is full of stress.

As caregivers, we are often stressed and don’t know why.

For a printable PDF version of this self-test, click here.

In the past 12 to 24 months, which of the following major life events have taken place in your life?

Fill In the points for each event that you have experienced this year.
When you're done looking at the whole list, add up the points for each event and check your score at the bottom.

1. Death of Spouse (100 points)

2. Divorce (73 points)

3. Marital or Relationship Partner separation (65 points)

4. Jail term (64 points)

5. Death of close family member (63 points)

6. Personal Injury or ilness (53 points)

7. Marriage (50 points)

8. Fired from work (47 points)

9. Marital or Relationship Partner reconciliation (45 points)

10. Retirement (45 points)

11. Change in family member's health (44 points)

12. Pregnancy (40 points)

13. Sex difficulties (39 points)

14. Addition to family (39 points)

15. Business readjustment (39 points)

16. Change in financial status (38 points)

17. Death of close friend (37 points)

18. Change to a different line of work (36 points)

19. Change in number of marital/relationship arguments (35 points)

20. Mortgage or loan over $30,000 (31 points)

21. Foreclosure of mortgage or loan (30 points)

22. Change in work responsibilities (29 points)

23. Trouble with in-laws (29 points)

24. Outstanding personal achievement (28 points)

25. Spouse begins or stops work (26 points)

26. Starting or finishing school (26 points)

27. Change in living conditions (25 points)

28. Revision of personal habits (24 points)

29. Trouble with boss (23 points)

30. Change is work hours/conditions (20 points)

31. Change in residence (20 points)

32. Change in schools (20 points)

33. Change in recreational habits (19 points)

34. Change in church activities (19 points)

35. Change in social activities (18 points)

36. Mortgage or loan under $20,000 (17 points)

37. Change in sleeping habits (16 points)

38. Change in number of family gatherings (15 points)

39. Change in eating habits (15 points)

40. Vacation (13 points)

41. Christmas season (12 points)

42. Minor violations of the law (11 points)


Your Total Score

This scale shows the kind of life pressure that you are facing. Depending on your coping skills or the lack thereof, this scale can predict the likelihood that you will fall victim to a stress related illness. The illness could be mild - frequent tension headaches, acid indigestion, and/or loss of sleep to very serious illness like ulcers, cancer, migraines and the like.


0-149: Low susceptibility to stress-related illness

150-299: Medium susceptibility to stress-related illness: Learn and practice relaxation and stress management skills and a healthy well life style.

300 and over: High susceptibility to stress-related illness: Daily practice of relaxation skills is very important for your wellness. Take care of it now before a serious illness erupts or an affliction becomes worse.


Permission to reprint the Life Stress Test received from:
Dr. Tim Lowenstein
P.O. Box 127
Port Angeles, WA 98362